The Irish Potato Cake Company serves authentic Irish home-made food for visitors and locals

Hava look at our all day DAYTIME MENU  

Hava look at our all day DRINKS MENU  


100% IRISH


100% Delicious


Back in the day……

before the arrival of chicken nuggets or lasagne to Irelands shores ….

your typical Irish family meal was jacket potatoes with vegetables and meat. That was pretty much every day except there was fish on Fridays and Roast on Sunday.

Sometimes there were left-over potatoes and as kids we loved to make Potato Cakes with these…

This was a classic example of “Left-over Cuisine”. Instead of throwing out food the food is made into another tasty snack. (And of course this reduced Food Waste)

First we removed the skin, then mashed the potatoes, added flour and butter. Maybe added other left-over ingredients like bacon or cheese. The fun part was making the potatoe cakes with our hands :)
Then we fried the potato cakes on the pan. It was such a delicious snack in the evening or for breakfast.

The Irish Potato Cake Company was started 2020 to bring back this traditional Irish home snack. We make our potato cakes fresh every day pretty much the same way as we made them as kids way back in the old days (except we make a hell of a lot more of them !!)

Enjoy :)

from all the team here in Irish Potato Cake Company :)